After School Program
At Springdale International School, our school’s academic experience is complemented by a strong extra-curricular program. We understand that it is in the early years when children have to learn fundamental motor skills so that they can enjoy a lifetime of participation in sports and fitness. An essential part of this learning process is organized in physical education lessons and other sport activities during or after school time starting from the Elementary years.
The quality and quantity of these activities play a crucial role in the learning and growth of our students. These include competitive and non-competitive sports, performing arts, student leadership and service opportunities. We tailor these to be structured and rewarding so that children are able to grow at their own pace and yet be able to challenge themselves.
We offer children after school activities such as sports (Basketball, football, cricket, volleyball), wall-climbing, Stem learning, computers & coding and also help develop hobbies. These are taught by Springdale International School teachers or professionals from outside and are available on a nominal cost basis.
Weekends are also fun and engaging for our students as we hold a multitude of sessions such as foreign language classes (French, Arabic, etc), Zumba, dance, Arts & Crafts, etc.

We offer children after school activities such as sports (Basketball, football, cricket, volleyball), wall-climbing, Stem learning, computers & coding and also help develop hobbies. These are taught by Springdale International School teachers or professionals from outside and are available on a nominal cost basis.
Weekends are also fun and engaging for our students as we hold a multitude of sessions such as foreign language classes (French, Arabic, etc), Zumba, dance, Arts & Crafts, etc.
During school hours, we encourage students from grade 3 onwards to take responsibility and plan their own school events and activities- this helps foster bonds between both students and helps in family participation. We also hold weekly talent assemblies where any child can display their talents in music, thought-provoking speech or poetry recital.
At Springdale International School, our aim is to make the school the hub for our community, and the centre of all activities all days of the week, so that your child has a safe place to relax, develop and pursue their passions.

School Trips
Children at younger ages take half-day trips to local nurseries and farms to build up on their knowledge of nature and biology. Students in the last year of elementary visit factories & small workshops to have an introduction to industrial knowledge and entrepreneurship. From Grade 6 and upwards, students have annual school trips to different parts of the country. This helps them understand the geography and demography of their home country and fosters strong bonds between students and their friends. Students from Grade 9 have trips abroad for them to flex their first beginnings of responsible independence.
Boot Camp
Springdale International School also offers annual boot camps from grades 3 onwards. These are school trips outside and are specially designed for children at their appropriate age levels to remove fears, build up courage, develop teamwork and come to support and learn from each other’s drawbacks and successes.
Beyond Athletics
Students at Springdale International School have opportunities to participate in a plethora of clubs and programs. Some of the clubs we offer are Dialogue Skills, Social Media Skills, Copywriting, Yearbook, Music & Band, Theater Arts, Student Led Conferences, Self Defense, Entrepreneurship, etc. These help children tap into their innate passions and hone their skills for the world outside their school.